Thursday, July 17, 2008

First entry

This blog started out as a way for my friends Jodi and Sarah to keep up on my life while they're out and about touring Europe for a few months, but then I just decided I'd let everyone in on the fun. :)
We had our nieces for a little over four days and they just left this morning. We had a lot of fun and it was good to get to spend some quality time with them. Lots more pics of their little vacation can be seen at

Tomorrow I'm watching Erica's kids all day and then my mom comes in town for the weekend to spend some time with me. Everything has been about my sister for the past few months so now that she and Dan are heading to Aruba, I get my mommy all to myself. Haha.
I got new glasses yesterday- It's hard to tell, but they have teeny little flowers on the side with sparkly (fake) diamonds in the center. They are Coach glasses (I didn't need Coach glasses, they just happened to be the ones I decided on.) Marcus said they are the only Coach item I am allowed to have. HAHA.

1 comment:

Ange said...

Yay! I'm so favoriting this!

And thanks for the encouragment as far as organized motherhood goes. lol